UT Drupal Kit version 3 Demonstration

"Featured Highlight" component
The Featured Highlight is for high profile callouts, and can link to other content. It can be used in any region in the main part of the page.
Individual page layouts can be composed of multiple sections. This section shows:
- a three-column layout
- set to span the "container width" of the page
- using a background color
"Resource" component

Resource Collection 1

Resource Collection 2
News article listing
Dynamically display the latest news articles. Each listing can be set to display a specific number of items, filterable by tags, with or without summary text and image.
Event listing
Dynamically display the latest events. Each listing can be set to display a specific number of items, filterable by tags, with or without summary text and image.

"Promo List" component

Item 1 Headline
Promo Lists provide the ability to add many content-rich featured items on a page, without taking up much space.

Item 2 Headline
You can add multiple promo list containers to a single page, and each group can have multiple list items.

Item 3 Headline
Choose “Single list responsive” to produce a two-column list that spans the width of its container.

Item 4 Headline
Choose “Two lists, side-by-side” to produce a one-column list that spans half the width of its container.
"Promo Unit" Component
Item 1 Headline
The Promo Unit, similar in content to the Promo List, adds an unlimited number of pre-formatted “units” of content, each of which can contain an image, headline, copy text, and call to action link.
Item 2 Headline
Images can be displayed with three styles: Landscape (220x140), Square (140x140), and Portrait (150x188).
Item 3 Headline
Promo Units with multiple items can be set to display in 1, 2, 3, or 4 items per row. See Control items per row (multi-item components) for more detail.