The Promo Unit, similar in content to the Promo List, adds an unlimited number of pre-formatted “units” of content, each of which can contain an image, headline, copy text, and an optional link below the copy text.
Promo Unit Component Headline
Item 1 Headline
The Promo Unit, similar in content to the Promo List, adds an unlimited number of pre-formatted “units” of content, each of which can contain an image, headline, copy text, and call to action link.
Item 2 Headline
Images can be displayed with three styles: Landscape (220x140), Square (140x140), and Portrait (150x188).
Item 3 Headline
Promo Units with multiple items can be set to display in 1, 2, 3, or 4 items per row. See Control items per row (multi-item components) for more detail.
Item 4 Headline
Content will default to a horizontal layout when the region width can accommodate it; content editors may set the display explicitly to vertically stacked content.
This is a 66% region in a two column layout. These Promo Units are set to display 2 items per row, in a "stacked" variant, with images display in landscape format.
Promo Unit Component Headline

Item 1 Headline
The Promo Unit, similar in content to the Promo List, adds an unlimited number of pre-formatted “units” of content, each of which can contain an image, headline, copy text, and call to action link.

Item 2 Headline
Images can be displayed with three styles: Landscape (220x140), Square (140x140), and Portrait (150x188).

Item 3 Headline
Promo Units with multiple items can be set to display in 1, 2, 3, or 4 items per row. See Control items per row (multi-item components) for more detail.

Item 4 Headline
Content will default to a horizontal layout when the region width can accommodate it; content editors may set the display explicitly to vertically stacked content.
This is a 33% region in a two-column layout. Promo Units automatically stack to 1 item per row in this narrower area.
Promo Unit Component Headline

Item 1 Headline
The Promo Unit, similar in content to the Promo List, adds an unlimited number of pre-formatted “units” of content, each of which can contain an image, headline, copy text, and call to action link.

Item 2 Headline
Images can be displayed with three styles: Landscape (220x140), Square (140x140), and Portrait (150x188).

Item 3 Headline
Promo Units with multiple items can be set to display in 1, 2, 3, or 4 items per row. See Control items per row (multi-item components) for more detail.

Item 4 Headline
Content will default to a horizontal layout when the region width can accommodate it; content editors may set the display explicitly to vertically stacked content.
This is a one-column section set to display matching the width of the container. These Promo Units are set to display up to 4 items per row. Depending on screen width, they will stack to fewer items per row to maintain a readable aesthetic.
Promo Unit Component Headline
Item 1 Headline
The Promo Unit, similar in content to the Promo List, adds an unlimited number of pre-formatted “units” of content, each of which can contain an image, headline, copy text, and call to action link.
Item 2 Headline
Images can be displayed with three styles: Landscape (220x140), Square (140x140), and Portrait (150x188).
Item 3 Headline
Promo Units with multiple items can be set to display in 1, 2, 3, or 4 items per row. See Control items per row (multi-item components) for more detail.
Item 4 Headline
Content will default to a horizontal layout when the region width can accommodate it; content editors may set the display explicitly to vertically stacked content.