Hero Style 3: White bottom pane with heading, subheading and burnt orange call to action

The Hero is a component consisting of a large image and optional text and link fields. The Hero is designed to be placed on pages in full-width or near full-width regions, so generally it is best to upload high resolution images. The system will deliver smaller image derivatives when viewed on smaller screens.

The Hero Display Styles are 6 selectable options for displaying the Hero layout which vary the placement of the textual fields and the image.

The Default style is the only one that displays the image caption or image credit fields.

Section width: Full width of page

Tower with students on the Main Mall

This is the Heading field of this block

This is the Subheading field of this block

Section width: Container width

Tower with students on the Main Mall

This is the Heading field of this block

This is the Subheading field of this block

Section width: Readable width

Tower with students on the Main Mall

This is the Heading field of this block

This is the Subheading field of this block